Blog Posts

All posts by admin.

“I joined Refresh, and my life changed into something…”

“I joined Refresh, and my life changed into something…”

I had to discontinue my education during the covid. Papa couldn’t earn enough to pay for the education of two. And being a girl, I was the natural choice for the compromise. I spent the…
“Refresh was the first time I ever learned something…”

“Refresh was the first time I ever learned something…”

I grew up in a very conservative and patriarchal family where girls do not make choices. Belonging from an economically weaker section, I never learned reading or writing. After marriage, I came to Delhi, NCR,…
“Most girls I know leave behind people they love …”

“Most girls I know leave behind people they love …”

It has been eighteen years since my marriage with three kids and an alcoholic husband who never understands or hears what I say. I have been a victim of domestic violence for as long as…
” If I could change something in the world, it would …”

” If I could change something in the world, it would …”

My father did not allow me to pursue singing because he felt it was not a girl’s profession. He never supported my sisters or me, even in our education. But we persisted despite his reluctance.…
” I hope to be skilled enough to secure a job, fulfill…”

” I hope to be skilled enough to secure a job, fulfill…”

Due to my husband’s anger issues, I had been a victim of domestic violence. The situation worsened when lockdown restricted everyone at home. The abuse was the order of the day when he did not…